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The file headers in an IIF file tell the program how to import the type of data that follows (i.e. a customer list or a transaction). Each header specifically defines a field in the company file. The file headers are in rows that begin with an exclamation point. The first column in the header must contain a keyword.Header placementIn a list import file, the file headers line is usually located in the first row. In the example below for a customer list, the file headers line starts with !CUST.
Kristy Abercrombie123 Placido Terrace
CUSTCourtney, EdCourtney Tool Design5223 Hesse Drive
In a transaction import file, there are usually three file header lines that occupy the first, second, and third rows (row 1, 2, and 3 in the example below). The example below shows a check transaction in an IIF file. The file headers lines begin with !TRNS, !SPL, and !ENDTRNS.
CHECK3/3/2010Main CheckingArchCo Gas-70
SPLAuto Repair60
How to use IIF headersNote: The correct spelling and placement of these file headers are required to prevent errors during import. Also, not all file headers are necessary in an IIF file in order to import transactions successfully into QuickBooks. Several examples are available in the IIF Import Kit. For more information:
  1. From the QuickBooks Help menu, choose QuickBooks Help.
  2. Click the Search tab
  3. Type IIF file format, and click the Start Search arrow.
  4. Select Reference guide to import files.
When you export a list from an existing company, QuickBooks creates an export file header:
HDRQuickBooks PremierVersion 20.0DRelease R61/1/201079423

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