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Ok, I produced such code - is it ok to make PSTN/PPP connection?

int iCount; int iBuffer; stNIInfo *pniInfo; unsigned int retLen; char chBuffer[50]; // Register with CommEngine ceRegister; // Fetch number of Network Interfaces (NWIF) iCount = ceGetNWIFCount; // Allocate space pniInfo = new stNIInfo[niCount]; // NWInfo ceGetNWIFInfo(pniInfo, niCount, &retLen); //Search for driver types and keep the handle for (int z = 0; z < niCount; z++) { // uwaga: dla GPRS należy jeszcze sprawdzać comm technology if (pniInfo[z].niDeviceDriverType == CE_DRV_TYPE_PPP) iPPPHandle = pniInfo[z].niHandle; } //In the case of a string type: ceSetDDParamValue(iPPPHandle, INI_DIAL_PRIMARY, "00", sizeof("00")); ceGetDDParamValue(iPPPHandle, INI_DIAL_PRIMARY, sizeof(chBuffer), chBuffer, &retLen); stNI_PPPConfig pppCon; pppCon.ncAuthType = PPP_AUTH_PAP; strcpy(pppCon.ncUsername, "User1"); strcpy(pppCon.ncPassword, "!21wsed@@"); // set login & password for the PPP connection ceSetNWParamValue(iPPPHandle, "PPP_CONFIG", (const void *)&pppCon, sizeof(pppCon)); //open network interface ceStartNWIF(iPPPHandle, CE_OPEN);

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